Saturday, September 25, 2010

a productive week!

Not only did I survive both my first pack meeting as advancement coordinator and my first week as fill-in bookkeeper for the school fundraiser CSA—I also started and finished two (count 'em, two) projects.

Without further ado, first we have the Autumn Crocheted Capelet from the Autumn 2010 issue of Rhythm of the Home. This is for my niece Emily's first birthday, and I must get it in the mail this week. Started it Wednesday, finished it Friday—and believe me, no marathon crochet sessions. The yarn? Stash Lion Brand Suede (1 skein) and Bouclé (1.25 skeins) that I had gotten at the 99 Cent Store some time ago. Let me tell you, when I saw that the pattern was in bulky yarn, I got kind of excited.

Next up—can you guess?

That's a roll for Everett's Ferby pencils. He has been requesting one for months. Finding corduroy in a color he liked was the hard part. The flap is to keep them from falling out. There is one extra pocket—there were three, but then I found two pencils under his desk. The best laid plans...! I could get back to the peach/blue quilt top. Or maybe the Halloween quilt top that has been partly quilted for three years. Or maybe I will go shopping to make the ripstop-backed picnic/soccer-watching quilt I want to make. Or a skirt for me? Or a purse? Or...?


  1. Congratulations! It always feels good to finish those projects that you were sure (oh, just so sure) would be fast.

  2. Love it! I need to make one for myself : )

  3. I love things that are cute AND practical! :)

    Thanks for linking up this week, so you next time :)
