Another day with no crafting--but it was CSA day at our farm!
Added bonus: our CSA is a school fundraiser, and the farm has regular tours (strawberry, watermelon, pumpkin patch, depending on the season).
Rather than get any crafting in, we ate farm-grown organic produce. This is just a sampling, but boy those squash were yum-my.
The boys rode kid atvs, and these awesome pedal cars. T-bone was the first kid of the season (which started...yesterday) who didn't need a single push on the course. He was pleased.
We took the tractor ride to the pumpkin canyon, fed the boys giant shaved ices, and--of course--picked pumpkins! E-man picked his own outfit. He almost disappeared among the pumpkins.
A fun day. We love Tanaka Farms. And then for dinner I made cilantro pesto from this week's box.
Fingers crossed that crafting occurs mañana!
That looks like a wonderful day was had by all! The food photo looks so good! :)